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Recovering your wallet
Recovering your wallet

A complete guide on how to recover your wallet using your recovery phrase or private key

Written by Vijayakumar Eswaran
Updated over a week ago

Recovering Your Wallet Using Frontier

Losing access to your wallet can be a stressful experience. However, if you have backed up your wallet, you can easily recover it inside Frontier.

Recovering Wallet Using Recovery Phrase (Import)

The recovery phrase is a set of 12 or 24 words that you create when you first set up your Frontier Wallet. It is a crucial piece of information that you need to keep safe as it can be used to recover your wallet in case you lose access to it. For more information, refer to → Basics of a non-custodial wallet.

To recover your wallet using the recovery phrase, follow these simple steps:

Frontier Wallet Extension:

  1. Open the Frontier Wallet extension on your browser.

  2. Click on the Wallet or + icon on right side of your wallet.

  3. On the screen you will get your list of wallets, click on + Add Wallet at the bottom.

  4. This will takes you to a new page. Click on Import a wallet

  5. You can either use the 12 words Recovery Phrase or the Private Key.

  6. Enter your Recovery Phrase or upload the .txt file and click on Proceed. Make sure that your .txt file has each word separated with a whitespace and all the words are present in a single line.

  7. Next select the wallet you like to import. You can choose from:

    1. Metamask

    2. Phantom

    3. Keplr

    4. Frontier

    5. Other wallets

  8. After proceeding, give your wallet a name and select your preference colour and click on Proceed.

  9. Your wallet has now been recovered.

Frontier Mobile App:

  1. Open the Frontier mobile app on your device.

  2. If you’ve already setup a wallet on Frontier, click on the wallet icon at the top right corner and click on the + symbol in the pop-up.

  3. Under Set up your wallet, click on Import wallet.

  4. You will get the option import different kinds of wallets, To get the most out of Frontier, select All wallets.

  5. For EVM wallets, you can import from Phrase, Keystore, and Private Key.

  6. For All wallets and Cosmos wallets, you can import from 12 words Recovery Phrase.

  7. After you have selected the import via recovery phrase option, enter your recovery phrase with each word clearly separated by a whitespace and click on the Import button on the top right corner.

  8. Customize your wallet by providing a nickname.

  9. Your wallet will now be recovered.

You can find more details here: Importing an existing wallet

Recovering Wallet Using Private Key follow these simple steps:

A private key is another way to access your wallet. It is a unique code that is generated when you first create your wallet. You should also keep your private key safe and secure, as anyone with access to it can access your funds.

Frontier Wallet Extension:

  1. Open the Frontier Wallet extension on your browser.

  2. Click on the Wallet or + icon on right side of your wallet.

  3. On the screen you will get your list of wallets, click on + Add Wallet at the bottom.

  4. This will takes you to a new page. Click on Import a wallet.

  5. Choose Private Key as the recovery method.

  6. Enter your private key and click Import Wallet.

  7. Select the chain you would like to import to Frontier.

  8. After proceeding, give your wallet a name and select your preference colour and click on Proceed.

  9. Your wallet will now be recovered.

Frontier Mobile App:

  1. Open the Frontier Wallet app on your mobile device.

  2. If you’ve already setup a wallet on Frontier, click on the wallet icon at the top right corner and click on the + symbol in the pop-up.

  3. Under Set up your wallet, click on Import wallet.

  4. You will get the option import different kinds of wallets. Select the relevant chain(s) and use Private Key as the recovery method.

  5. Enter your private key and tap Import Wallet.

  6. Customize your wallet by providing a nickname.

  7. Your wallet will now be recovered.

You can find more details here: Importing an existing wallet

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